The Frank O’Connor International Short Story Prize has just announced its longlisted short story collections. As ever, it is a great list to start with if you're looking for some great reading material! As they say on their
website, the award "is living up to its international credentials with a long list containing twelve UK writers, twenty-six Americans, four Irish, eight from Canada, two from India, two from Bulgaria and one each from Japan, Nigeria, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, China, Nepal and Spain, spanning four continents."
The non-voting chairman of the 2011 jury is Patrick Cotter, curator of the Award. The voting members of the jury are poet and novelist Thomas McCarthy who served also on the 2006 jury, Kinsale-based novelist and short story writer Alannah Hopkin and Guardian short story blogger Chris Power. This jury will announce a short list in July prior to the award ceremony in September during the Cork International Short Story Festival.
The longlist is as follows (with links to those collections The Short Review has already reviewed):
Clark Blaise
The Meagre Tarmac Biblioasis
Summer Brenner
My Life in Clothes Red Hen Press USA
Jo Cannon
Insignificant Gestures Pewter Rose Press UK
Uttara Chauhan
Blue Blood Penguin India Canada
Michael Christie
The Beggar's Garden HarperCollins Canada Canada
Richard Cumyn
The Young in Their Country Enfield and Wizenty Canada
Anthony Doerr
Memory Wall Fourth Estate USA
review coming soon
Doug Dorst
The Surf Guru Riverhead Books USA
Deyan Enev
Circus Bulgaria Portobello Bulgaria
Danielle Evans
Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self Riverhead Books USA
Stuart Evers
Ten Stories about Smoking Picador UK
Edward Falco
Burning Man Southern Methodist University Press USA
Siobhan Fallon
You Know When the Men Are Gone Amy Einhorn Books USA
Roshi Fernando
Homesick Impress UK
Karen Joy Fowler
What I Didn't See Small Beer USA
review coming soon
Vanessa Gebbie
Storm Warning Salt UK
review coming soon
Sue Gee
Last Fling Salt UK
Ben Greenman
Celebrity Chekhov Harper Perennial USA
Linda LeGarde Grover
The Dance Boots University of Georgia Press USA
Tina May Hall
The Physics of Imaginary Objects University of Pittsburgh Press USA
review coming soon
Alan Heathcock
Volt Graywolf USA
Ava Homa
Echoes from the Other Land Tsar Canada
Valerie Laken
Separate Kingdoms Harper Perennial USA
Yiyun Li
Gold Boy, Emerald Girl Random House/ Fourth Estate China
Michael Kardos
One Last Good Time Press 53 USA
Gitanjali Kolanad
Sleeping with Movie Stars Penguin India India
Sean Mackel
The River Guildhall Ireland
Alexander MacLeod
Light Lifting Biblioasis Canada
Andre Mangeot
True North Salt UK
Javier Marías
While the Women are Sleeping Chatto and Windus Spain
Rob Mimpriss
For His Warriors Gwasg y Bwthyn UK
review coming soon
Mariko Nagai
Georgic BkMk Japan
Prem Nath
Crowded Rooms Penguin India India
Courttia Newland
A Book of Blues Flambard UK
review coming soon
Edna O'Brien
Saints and Sinners Faber Ireland
Daniel Orozco
Orientation Faber USA
Sue Orr
Random House New Zealand New Zealand
Voice of America Granta Books Nigeria
Kelcey Parker
For Sale By Owner Kore USA
Miroslav Penkov
East of the West Farrar, Straus & Giroux Bulgaria
Anne Perdue
I'm a Registered Nurse Not a Whore Insomniac Canada
Andrew Plattner
A Marriage of Convenience BkMk USA
Dawn Promislow
Jewels Tsar Canada
Shann Ray
American Masculine Graywolf USA
Mary Rechner
Nine Simple Patterns for Complicated Women Propeller USA
Susannah Rickards
Hot Kitchen Snow Salt UK
Suzanne Rivecca
Death is Not an Option Norton USA
Moya Roddy
Other People Wordsonthestreet Ireland
Ethel Rohan
Cut Through the Bone Dark Sky Books Ireland
Gretchen Shirm
Having Cried Wolf Affirm Australian
L.E. Smith
Views Cost Extra Fomite USA
Christine Sneed
Portraits of a Few of the People I've Made Cry University of Massachusetts Press USA
Fiona Thackeray
The Secret's in the Folding Pewter Rose Press UK
Rabi Thapa
Nothing to Declare Penguin India Nepal
Colm Tóibín
The Empty Family Viking Penguin Ireland
Matthew J. Trafford
The Divinity Gene Douglas & McIntyre Canada
Jessica Treadway
Please Come Back to Me University of Georgia Press USA
Paul Tremblay
In the Mean Time ChiZine Publications USA
Valerie Trueblood
Marry or Burn Counterpoint USA
Salley Vickers
Aphrodite's Hat Fourth Estate UK
review coming soon
Ferdinand Von Schirach
Crime Chatto and Windus Germany
Tom Vowler
The Method Salt UK
Susi Wyss
The Civilized World Holt USA